Wednesday, 21 February 2024

Dead Snow (Tommy Wirkola, 2009)

 I have seen this film twice and I still can't seem to have a good time with it. Dead Snow, a Norwegian zombie horror movie, makes it really difficult for you to like it. You see the story of the movie is super promising. A bunch of friends at a cabin in the deep snow and suddenly attacked by Nazi zombies is something that calls for big laughs and great entertainment. Nazi zombies, who the fuck thought of that brilliant idea, I wonder? And so until the time the zombies arrive, the movie is really superb, building the story and the fun to its extreme. But when the zombies finally arrive and I assure that they are something to gaze at those zombies, all the fun is simply vanished from the movie. And that happens only for one reason and one reason only and that is that the movie is been transformed to a gore fest. 
I have said many times that... movies don't kill people, people kill people. I have nothing against violence in cinema in the same way that I have nothing against sex in cinema. I like them both. But there are limitations to everything. Dead Snow is so profoundly disturbing and disgusting that you suddenly forget all the fun that the film promised you and you are looking for the toilet. I am not particularly interested to see how realistic look the insides of the protagonist and I don't find so funny the continuous blood bath that the movie offers. There is a thing that is called aesthetic and that movie over here is a crime against aesthetic. I know that it is made deliberately without taste that movie, but I cannot fail and not see that this is movie is traumatizing to the stomach and the appetite of the individual. And quite probably for no reason, because there is nothing in that film apart from fun and feelgood emotion, that are been spoiled to their most horrid extend by the abomination of violence that it offers. You know I had the best intentions towards that movie and it fucked my... insides pretty badly I can say.   

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