Saturday 15 February 2020

Hail, Caesar! (Coen Brothers, 2016)

I believe that this movie ridicules everything that exists in this planet. From religion, cinema, communists and people in general. It's really a miracle to see that the Coen Brothers make a movie that has all the ingredients to make it a film that has farce written all over its forehead. There is that sense in that film that the more you watch, the more you cannot believe that crazy story that takes place. The more you watch, the more you say that this is a movie that should get the Oscar for being the most ridiculous film ever made by the Coens. And that is definitely a serious accusation if you think about the other comedies that they have made. Hail, Caesar! is what you call a film that is making fun of the audience. It's making fun of practically everything and with everything goes also the poor spectator who thought that he was going to watch some spiritual comedy, with high quality jokes and instead of that, is getting the absolute prank. The movie is so ridiculous that you are having difficulty to say things about it, you find it difficult to write a review that answers to any kind of logic. The most appropriate thing would be to write a most surrealistic text that will have no beginning and no end. That's what suits the movie, absolute chaos and incoherence. The Coen Brothers are known that when they make a comedy, they brake the ice, the break every fucking boundary there is to break. They make comedies that as movies they are meticulously made and very well performed, but the meaning and message of the movie is like watching Monty Python. I seriously don't have anything to say, there is that sense in that film that everyone and everything answer to a higher cause and that cause is absolute stupidity, the bulk of the characters in this movie are simply morons. And I wonder how someone can make such a interesting movie with only morons. Obviously that is a talent that the Coens have and they don't share it with anyone else. When they talk about stupidity is like their brain becomes ten times bigger than it is. It's like all of their spirit comes out and fills the movie with ingenious stupid jokes, ingenious bullshit, ingenious crap.
I believe that this type of cinema is quite unique, I don't think that exists another filmmaker who can make comedies the way the Coens make. There is that inexplicable thing in that movie that you constantly catch yourself saying "This can't be true. This cannot be happening." And the more you say those words, the more the film provokes you getting things to the absolute limits. After some point the one stupid scene follows the other and the one stupid character answers to another character who is more stupid than the first one. That is definitely a mess motherfucker. That is a wonderful mess, an ingenious mess, a mess that only very clever people can produce. Hail, Caesar! is a movie that will leave you with your mouth open. You will grab your stomach from laughter, you will curse the Coens for making you live that torment and you will definitely call it a movie that came here to become an instant cult classic. Such stupidity can't go without awards and prices. Such stupidity appears on the screen once every twenty or thirty years, such stupidity is the proof of the glorious brain of the filmmakers who made it. Hail, Caesar! is a movie that is too stupid to ever live a normal life. It's cursed to become cult. It's this quality that it has that makes it a movie that... no comment.

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