Saturday 15 February 2020

Harley Davidson And The Marlboro Man (Simon Wincer, 1991)

This film has certainly style. It has that dirty style that you can find in films that are talking about them, who don't go by the rules of society but they live their own uncompromising life. Harley Davidson And The Marlboro Man is without a doubt an example of a buddy movie. Two friends living a peculiar life and having a character that is most special and strange. That film would definitely be a major crap if it wasn't for the weird character of the protagonists, it seems that the whole movie is been build upon them. And that is most unusual to see an action film that has so idiosyncratic characters for protagonists. Harley Davidson And The Marlboro Man is definitely a film that the story is not the most interesting thing in the movie, but what's most interesting is the way that the protagonists react to the challenge. The movie is a typical action movie with good and bad guys, but in this particular example the good guys have such a strong character that they win the audience, the win our love and affection. You see sometimes is not what you make in a movie, but how you make it. How you choose to picture the heroes of the movie. And that film over here chose a most brilliant, special and interesting way to picture two different souls of this planet. Their character is what matters in that movie, their character which is so strong and special that it shouts like a screaming man inside the movie.
Harley Davidson And The Marlboro Man is a movie that it stays one of the very forgotten movies. And that is truly a pity because there are tons of movies out there that become a hit and they carry nothing special inside of them, they are predictable, banal and boring. This movie over here is never boring. With these two characters you never know what will happen in the next scene. It's truly a bliss for the eye to observe them and to have them as your company. Two lonely men, two men with bikes, two men that are huge for this world to fit them. They live their life in another parallel reality that has nothing to do with the conventional living of the majority of the people. And that's exactly what we need from cinema. We need to see weirdness, peculiarity. We are fed up to see boring and predictable characters in movies and when we remember of Harley Davidson And The Marlboro Man we have a sweet feeling in our heart. We have that sweet feeling that you get when you come across something special. Something that has its own character and doesn't mimic. And the characters of this movie stay gloriously authentic. They stay characters who are worthy of a film, worthy of a story, worthy of our time. These two people are the sunshine in the cloudy reality of our society. And for that we love them.

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