Saturday 8 August 2020

It (Tommy Lee Wallace, 1990)

Well, It offers the most heinous villain that we have seen in a horror movie. An evil, ruthless clown. There is no doubt that this character is going to give you nightmares that you won't be able to sustain. It is a really scary movie. It's not only the actual scare that the clown produces, but is also the psychological horror that the film creates. A trip to the loss of innocence is that movie, a story about some children who are about to face the biggest fear of their life. Tommy Lee Wallace is doing a fine and more than that, job in making into movie the amazing book by Stephen King and he fills our hearts with repulsion and fear. It is a movie that combines the pure and the righteous with the crooked and the evil. It is a struggle, a fight for winning back life. These people, as children and as adults, have to face the clown and stand brave against him, a task that will maybe consume all of their energy and life. It is a film about friendship and bonds that we create in life and they are proven to be greater and more powerful than any kind of evil. The clown represents destruction and murder and the protagonists represent endurance and love. It is a symbolic fight, a symbolic battle. The Clown is everything that we fear in this life. Everything that makes us feel small and insignificant. Everything that takes away from us our pride, our endurance, our stamina, our heart and our soul. Truth is that Stephen King couldn't find a better villain to put in his book. The clown is everything that you were always afraid. It's like every fear that you had since a child is been pictured through the nightmarish figure of that repulsive character. It is a journey for the protagonists of the film. A journey through their insecurities, through those territories that they are unable to cope with. It is a fight with their own self. It is a battle without tomorrow. It is what you have when you are left alone in this world and there is no one to comfort you. It is a trip through the psychological world of these characters. Their inner self is struggling to fight back to this unbearable evil. Their inner self is searching for truth in a bag full of lies. Their inner self is struggling for the best answer in a world filled with illusions. Their inner self is the thing that must come out and face the clown.
There is no doubt that It is a movie that distinguishes itself from other horror films of that time. It's clearly more brainy and there is a thing in that movie that calls for deep emotions. You see those emotions that are buried inside every man must come out here in order for the battle to end and the clown be destroyed. It doesn't count so much to the visual agenda although it is astonishing. It lies on the thing that is hidden inside. It lies on the psychological world of the protagonists. It is like a mirror of the hearts of those people. And it wouldn't be a lie to say that at that time horror films were more about the visuals and the scare from them. Horror films in the early 90s weren't dealing so much with the inner part of the human being. The golden age of the slasher movies was still fresh and the bulk of horror films were about body count and screaming women. It is something completely different. And of course that is due to that great and memorable writer who goes by the name of Stephen King. He created a unique horror book. And truth says that Tommy Lee Wallace took that book and he made the best of it. He kept real and vibrant those emotions that are been pictured in the book. He kept alive and vibrant that atmosphere of suffocation and utter scare. It is a movie that will stay always as the different chapter among horror films. And for that we have made a special place in our hearts that we keep it hidden.

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