Wednesday 26 August 2020

Machete (Robert Rodriguez / Ethan Maniquis, 2010)


This is definitely one of the coolest, most hilarious films that you can find. Machete is a film about corruption and hate that comes as an exploitation movie that most of all is a self-satire. And that combination of those contradictory things makes Machete a movie that is here to make you laugh like you 've never laughed before. This characteristic of Rodriguez for making movies that underneath are dead serious and on the surface are very well organized pranks makes his cinema a real bliss for the spectator who finds his self in a position where he laughs when he is serious and he is serious when things are laughable. Machete is a movie that is rich, full. While you are watching it you feel that there are enough things in there to fill a whole truck. There are things going on all the time and the feeling is that you are been bombarded in a most graceful way with the biggest horseshit in the world. And on the other hand the movie is a serious comment about racism. And these two world are living together giving to the experiment a flavour that is like watching a serious action piece that has been stripped from its seriousness. Machete is what movies should be. Humour is the best way to deal with something. There is no better way to make a social comment that to put it in an environment that only the brave who know how to laugh will survive. There is no better recipe than the movie that is here to satirize and at the same time to talk to the audience for something crucial and important. Machete is a movie that wins the spectator in all fields. It's brainy, visceral, funny, radical, ridiculous and it comes as a movie that understands that cinema is for the brave. Brave to the heart, brave to the humour, brave to the comment. Machete is a movie that will be considered a cult classic in some years, it's one of the films that as time passes gets more appreciated. There is no doubt that we are talking about a film that shatters every rule of cinema, that plays like a young and fresh child with every convention of cinema and finally is a movie that is not afraid to play with itself, to really shatter whatever it has made, to really make a parody of everything, to really ridicule its most charming and captivating character. Machete is one of those movies that we love to watch over and over again, it is so funny and addictive that it lights your heart when you watch and it's not a lie that Machete has the power to levitate the individual from complete depression to pure joy. A real laugher, enjoy it while you can.

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