Monday 17 February 2020

The Extraordinary Adventrures Of Adele Blanc-Sec (Luc Besson, 2010)

If you were looking for something, you just found the female Indiana Jones who comes from France. The Extraordinary Adventures Of Adele Blanc-Sec is a movie that is tasty and thrilling as hell. It comes as a crazy story about mummies and resurrection and it fires its exciting lightning bolds as balls of ping pong that go insane at any direction. There is so much craziness in that movie that can fill a whole stadium with pure lunacy. There is so much pathos, so much style, so much aesthetic that you feel your antennas getting a high pitched signal that goes from here till the end of the world. Anyway you look it Adele Blanc-Sec is a movie that has come here to make your life brighter, more optimistic, more clear and more powerful. There is that sense in that movie that whole film is dancing like crazy, a rhythm so insane that you can barely hold your feet to the ground while watching it. Your head spins, your heart goes apeshit and your body cannot hold the vigour that film is giving to it. I am telling you this is one hell of a ride. It's a ride through everything unexplored, eccentric and wildly mystifying. Adele Blanc-Sec is here to make you walk on a tight rope, is here to make you work in a circus, is here to make you forget about your boring self and go out there and eat life with the fucking spoon. There is no other movie that has so much stamina, there is no other movie that holds so much power and there is no other movie that can make you say the words that you truly feel and you were afraid to say all these years.
The film has a "deadly" aura. It has an aura that speaks about hidden secrets, forgotten catacombs, ancient mummies, dinosaurs, stupid policemen and of course in the centre of everything lies the one and only Adele Blanc-Sec. The female Indiana Jones. I wonder what more do you need from an adventure movie, what more can someone possibly ask from a film, rather than a superb thrilling story and some unforgettable witty characters. I have to tell you that once you go with Adele there is no way back, there is no turning back, once you are in her panties the only thing that you can say is that "I am blessed, I am where I belong." Adele Blanc-Sec knows the way to your freedom, it knows the way to your happiness, it knows the way to make you feel alive again. And all those qualities, all those elements, all those wonderful things that the movie has make a unique combination and give to the spectator a full meal. A movie that is so nutritious that can hold you for a fucking week without anything else. Adele Blanc-Sec is what you call the road to contemporary adventure. It's the answer to all of those who say that today's cinema has nothing to say and give. Adele Blanc-Sec is our one and only crush and we worship her for that.

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